Video of the 21st February event:

Original languages (without translation)



This was the call for the event:
Rest in Power Christian Krähling – International Online Commemoration on 21 February 2021 at 7 p.m (CET)
Recently, our friend, colleague and comrade Christian Krähling passed away far too early. We mourn the loss of one of the most courageous and militant opponents of Amazon management during strikes at Amazon, who inspired and organised countless people in their struggle for justice. Christian Krähling played a prominent role both in building the trade union structures at Amazon in Bad Hersfeld and in the international Amazon workers‘ movement. To honour Christian’s memory, we invite you to a memorial event on 21 February at 7pm (CET). Colleagues, comrades, friends, companions and all those who Christian inspired and influenced in his life will make contribiutions. The struggle continues – that’s what Christian would wish for.
The event will take place via zoom and will be broadcast live on youtube. You can find all the information here: Further contributions and questions can be sent to:
Thanks to die LINKE in the European Parliament, the event will take place with live translation in English, Polish, French, Italian and Spanish. Please spread the invitation in your networks. Even if you did not know Christian personally, you are cordially invited to join us. Christian was a bridge builder across borders and organisations. With this event we want to bring together all those who, like Christian, are fighting for a world free of exploitation.
Organizing committee
Friends of Christian from Amazon shopstewards, Amazon Workers International, Solidarity Groups, OKG – Organisieren Kämpfen Gewinnen, Inicjatywa Pracownicza, Make Amazon Pay, Berlin vs Amazon, RLS – Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, ver.di Handel Hessen, Uni Global Union, TIE – Transnationals Information Exchange, Transnational Social Strike, Klasse Gegen Klasse and more
organized by: